(As of 12/13/2007)
I. Name: Our name will be: Charles County Brain Injury Support Group.
II. Mission: The Charles County Brain Injury Support Group will focus on PEOPLE recovering from brain injury and their caregivers, family, and friends who must live with the consequences of traumatic or acquired brain injury. Our mission is to provide an effective forum for peer-to-peer support tailored to meet the special needs of the brain injured who reside in Southern Maryland.
We believe that members of our group have a unique understanding of brain injury and can share the “lessons learned” and other valuable information with each other through peer-to-peer group interaction.
We also believe social activities and having fun are an important part of the recovery process.
III. Objectives: Our main objectives are to:
Establish a well-run and supportive forum for meaningful exchange of ideas and have fun while doing it.
Assist survivors and caregivers in the recovery process to overcome all barriers to full participation in society.
Encourage self-help and empowerment through brain injury advocacy, prevention, education, awareness, and self-determination.
Provide peer support by people who have experienced a brain injury and by caregivers and professionals who have a first hand knowledge of the medical and/or rehabilitation processes involved. The goal is to help others in a similar situation to more effectively identify, access, and use the existing medical and/or rehabilitation service delivery systems that available at the federal, state, and local level.
Recognize and encourage leadership and other talents within the group.
IV. Benefits and Outcomes:
Regular attendance at support group meetings should:
Increase your knowledge and awareness of the consequences of brain injury.
Encourage you to share your knowledge, “lessons learned”, and “best practices” in overcoming or compensating for the effects of brain injury.
Help other parents, caregivers, friends, and people who have experienced brain injury in their recovery process.
Receive assistance and/or assist others in identifying and locating important resources and best services available for recovery.
Meet people who share an understanding of the consequences of brain injury.
Keep abreast of various cutting edge techniques and therapies as they are being developed.
Stay informed on important issues related to brain injury
Develop and improve social skills, increase social activities, and prevent isolation and depression associated with the brain injured and caregivers.
Become a voice for those who have experienced brain injury.
Join the effort to overcome the stigma and barriers experienced by the brain injured and their family.
V. Membership:
Any traumatic or acquired brain injury survivor, caregiver, family member, friend doctors, nurses, therapist, social workers, or other impacted by brain injury are invited to attend meetings and become a regular member. Even though this group primarily serves Charles, St. Mary’s and Calvert counties, our membership is not restricted to residents of Southern Maryland. Anyone may attend a support group meeting. Membership is obtained by simply asking to be added to the membership list.
We will not discriminate on the basis of age, color, gender, disability status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, or veteran status.
Only members may be officers and/or voting members.
Regular attendance at meetings and group functions is encouraged but not mandatory to retain membership.
VI. Organizational Structure:
The group organization will consist of the following elected officers
Vice President
Meeting Coordinator
Hospitality Coordinator
Publicity/Information Coordinator
IT/Resource Coordinator
VI. Duties of Elected Members
Create meeting agenda,
Lead group meetings and keep meetings on track,
Communicate information to group.
Vice – President:
Perform the duties of President when President is absent or unavailable.
Assist President to insure that meeting priorities are met.
Record and maintain minutes of meetings
Record and track action items assigned along with their due dates
Record and maintain meeting attendance
Record and maintain membership information including name, address, phone number, and email address.
Collect and account for donations made at meetings, fund raisers, or other gifts as necessary
Maintain accurate financial records,
Report financial status at each meeting,
Coordinate and document purchases and bill payment,
Follow Spring Dell financial procedures.
Meeting Coordinator
Contact group members about time and location of meetings.
Sets up meetings.
Handle refreshments.
Insure that clean up is done after the meeting.
Hospitality Coordinator
Greet attendees as they arrive
Welcome visitors, guest speakers, or new members
Publicity/Information Coordinator:
Gather Relevant Information
Prepare and send “Thank You” card to guest speakers
Coordinate guest speakers
IT/Resource Coordinator:
Maintain Support Group information website at: www.ccbrain.wordpress.com,
Make IT related improvements as recommended by support group members.
Organize and maintain important brain injury resource information on the website.
VII. Eligibility of Members who hold Elected Positions
President: Must be a survivor
VIII. Election of Officers:
All elected positions will be chosen by the group membership by majority vote. Election of Officers will be conducted no later than the March meeting each year. Election of officers will be by secret ballot of the members present at the meeting. A majority vote of those members present is required. In the event of a tie, the election shall be decided by the flip of a coin. In no case will proxy voting be allowed. Only members in good standing may nominate, be nominated, and vote.
IX. Meetings
Regular Meetings: Held on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Time: 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Place: Spring Dell Center at Spring Dell Center, 6040 Radio Station Road, La Plata, MD 20646
Special Meetings: May be held at the request of the group President or majority vote of the membership.
Order of Meeting: The general order of meetings should be as follows:
Call to Order by President
Welcome visitors, guests, and new members
Reading of Minutes of Last Meeting
Treasurer Report
Agenda set depending on the type of meeting described below
Closure (Meeting must adjourn no later than 7:30 p.m. to allow the Spring Dell Clean up crew to go home)
Meeting Types: Monthly Group Meetings will normally be one or combination of the following types:
Business (Elections and other business)
Guest Speaker (Invited guest speakers)
Discussion(Group discussion of important topics)
Entertainment (i.e. Games, Videos, etc.)
Party (i.e. Christmas)
X. Amendments
This Charter may be amended at any regular meeting by a majority vote of the members present and by approval of the Spring Dell Advisor provided the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing at least one meeting prior to the amendment voted on.
XI. By-Laws
With the approval of the advisor the by-laws are necessary for the work and development of the support group in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this Charter may be adopted.
Guest speakers and events must be approved by the Spring Dell Advisor at least two (2) weeks prior to the event. This is to insure availability for the facility for such an event.
XII. Spring Dell Advisor Responsibilities
Advisors must be appointed by Spring Dell and be a Spring Dell employee.
Advisors must attend all meetings, activities and events of the support group to ensure observation of Spring Dell’s policies and regulations.
Assist and Advise membership in planning, executing, and evaluating the support groups programs and projects.
Ensure that the proper required forms are filed out and returned in a timely manner to the proper Spring Dell department or office.
Approve and sign budget and requisition forms when appropriate.
Recommend and evaluate guest speakers for club/organization meeting, activity or event.
Approve all publicity and correspondence written on behalf of the group.
Notify and obtain approval of the Spring Dell if radio, television, or other media is expected to cover a meeting or event.
Notify the President or Vice-President when the Advisor will be absent and arrange for a substitute to attend and oversee the meeting, activity or event.
I have read, understand and hereby agree to comply with the above responsibilities and information stated in the Brain Injury Support Group Charter.
President Signature/Date
Spring Dell Advisor Signature/Date